Seventh Grade
“The Lord is our Teacher and Healer”
Seventh grade is the first time that boys and girls are separated into different classes. We believe that boys and girls learn differently and that this contrast becomes significantly more distinct during puberty. Consequently, even though both classes are learning the same curriculum, methods and activities are crafted to appeal specifically to boys or girls. Highlights for the girls include making gingerbread houses and fabric dolls. A special project for the boys is painting Revolutionary War cast soldiers.
Religion—taught by a minister
Seventh grade religion begins with an overview of Old Testament history and then the historical transition to New Testament times. After a brief introduction to the four Gospels, the major focus of the year is on the Gospel of Matthew. Seventh grade is a time when the transition from pre-adolescent to high school states gains momentum. The rational level of the mind is becoming more active and significant physical maturation accompanies this development. Moving from an Old Testament focus on rules and consequences, students begin to reflect on a higher, moral standard that is the focal point of the Lord’s direct instruction in the New Testament. Students are invited to gain a deeper understanding of the sometimes unexpected way that the Lord teaches us.
We have an integrated, novels-based reading program that often connects to history. The boys read Johnny Tremain, Old Yeller and Tom Sawyer. The girls read Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry, and Gathering Blue, as well as Johnny Tremain. Both boys and girls read short stories, myths and poetry.
The girls interview and write biographies of women in the community, as well as creating a research-based Civil War notebook. The boys practice research skills, culminating in the writing of Civil War papers and biographies. Students learn how to research information through the internet and how to construct a bibliography.
In grammar the students review the parts of speech and the parts of a sentence. Grammar, spelling and composition are often integrated with each other.
According to the BACS spelling curriculum, students are accountable for the 500 core words in all of their daily work. They are regularly given proofreading style spelling tests.
Students can choose to use printing or cursive in their written assignments, but legibility and presentation (attractiveness) is expected on all finished work.
In mathematics class, students continue with the series Prentice-Hall Mathematics Program—Course 2. It is basically a pre-algebra course where the students hone their problem solving, decision making and critical thinking skills, along with a few units on geometry. A major activity is the “Decimal Shopping” project at holiday time.
The seventh grade’s history program covers the discovery of America through the Civil War, Reconstruction, and the rise of big business in the late 1800’s. It includes such major projects as the Civil War notebook (7G) and the Civil War Papers (7B). Students are taught about the value of human relationships encased in the study of the story of our own nation. The students travel to Gettysburg to reinforce their study of the Civil War.
Along with the study of American history, students review American geography. In addition, they review oceans, continents, geographic terms and postal abbreviations for the states. Later in the year, the focus shifts to the continent of Asia, with emphasis on China, Russia and the Pacific Rim and more detailed map skills.
Science—specialist teacher
The science curriculum focuses on understanding and appreciating the Lord’s creation of the natural world and the laws that govern it. Students are introduced to the scientific method and metric system with a project of building a balsa wood tower. Additional topics of study include: cellular biology, circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system, and excretory systems.
Library—supported by librarian
Students in the upper unit visit the library on an as-needed basis and individually. Students are encouraged to visit the library independently for book report materials and for research projects. The library provides research materials for classrooms during large projects. At the teacher’s request, the library is available as an additional research space.
As students grow in their knowledge of computer skills, they are taught about the social, ethical and moral implications of using technology. New skills include teaching graphic design, understanding desktop publishing, and developing spreadsheets.
Art—specialist teacher
In seventh grade, the girls and boys are in class separately and are often doing different projects. They continue to build on their basic art skills as they work using a variety of mediums and approaches. They are encouraged to explore their own creativity as they work on each different activity. They are exposed to art history/appreciation through projects and discussions about art.
Music—specialist teacher
In seventh grade music, students participate in choral ensembles, including eighth grade students. The content includes a variety of secular and sacred choral repertoire, hymns, solfege exercises, and sight singing.
Physical Education—specialist teacher
The physical education program provides the students with a standards based program that is developmentally and culturally appropriate and highly active. It fosters a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle. In the upper grades students continue to work on all the skills from previous years and in addition focus on fitness for life. A more comprehensive understanding of the strategy and rules of both team and individual sports is developed.
Spanish—specialist teacher
Students will acquire a basic knowledge of introductory Spanish. They will learn to introduce themselves, talk about their families, school and their favorite things, using Spanish. They will be exposed to the Hispanic culture, traditions, cities, food and music from every Latino country, with an emphasis on immersion in the cultures of the countries of Spain, Mexico, Guatemala and Puerto Rico.
Electives—BACS teachers and community members
Students in the Upper Unit participate in an elective class (often co-ed) once a week. The goal is to provide students with a variety of opportunities to recognize their own strengths as well as those of their classmates. The classes are offered in 5-7 week sessions (with some running for a double session) so that students take 4-6 electives per year. Our aim is to provide a mixture of athletic, academic and artistic offerings each session so that all students can find a class that they are interested in pursuing.