Student Drop-off and Pick-up
Guidelines for Student Drop-Off:
Drop students off between 7:45 and 8:00. (Please do NOT drop students off before 7:45 unless you have special permission from Kirsten Huff).
Walkers should arrive after 7:45 and not before.
Drive slowly and watch for pedestrians .
Drop students off at the Heilman Hall entrance (NOT on Tomlinson Road, Ashley Road or at the main school entrance until after 8am)
When dropping off students at Heilman Hall please pull close to the curb, and drive up as far as possible. Please allow students to exit on the passenger/curb side of vehicle ONLY!
If you or a child must exit the vehicle on the driver’s side please pull around the island and park in a parking space for longer drop-off.
Please set a good example for the students by crossing only at the crosswalk where the there is a crossing guard.
The Pastor’s Office should not be used as an entrance to the school. If you wish to enter the school, please use the main school entrance at the school office.
Guidelines for Student Pick-up (12:15 and 2:30)
Drive slowly and watch for pedestrians.
Park in the middle lane on the far side of the island so you can pull forward in order to avoid backing up. See parking chart below.
No parking on the building side of the island.
No parking on the far side of the island in the first 8 spaces to allow good visibility to children crossing from the crosswalk. Smaller vehicles with good visibility may park against island further down and back-up carefully.
Crossing Guards
Bryn Athyn Borough provides crossing guards at the following locations:
Huntingdon Pike at ANCSS
Buck Road at Tomlinson Road
Tomlinson Road at Ashley Road
Tomlinson Road at Cherry Lane
Borough crossing guards times:
7:30-8:00 M-F
2:30-3:00 M-Th
12:15-12:45 Friday