2nd Grade – Mrs. Gruber
In second grade we are all busy bees, as we learn Hebrew and how to write cursive a, b’s, and c’s. I’m excited to share this school year with you, and have students create projects clever and new! Some things to just know are that in this class we strive, to be kind to all friends and be useful bees in our hive.
I am a passionate educator who loves to help children grow academically, socially, and emotionally. As a teacher I seek to be a facilitator, mentor, and a role model to my students. My job as a teacher is to help my students grow in confidence in themselves and to become capable members of society. I seek to use the Lord’s Word and the Writings to help guide my instruction and to teach my students the value in looking to the Lord as well as the peace that comes with prayer. I want to be a leader to my students for, “Leadership is communicating a person’s worth and potential so clearly that they are inspired to see it in themselves” (Covey et al, 2014). My sincere hope for all my students is that they will seek to live lives of useful service, to continue their path of growth, and to become lifelong learners and leaders of their own lives.
Contact Information
Monica Gruber – Monica.gruber@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 262
Music – Nathan Odhner – Nathan.Odhner@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 261
Art – Linda Kees – Linda.Kees@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 231
Library – Shannon Goode and Kelly Austin – Shannon.goode@bacs.org and Kelly.Austin@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 227
Gym – Serena Sutton – serena.sutton@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 ext. 259 and Alex Rogers – Alex.rogers@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extensions 260
Weekly Schedule
2nd Grade Mrs Gruber Schedule 2023-2024
See the second grade curriculum at https://brynathynchurchschool.org/programs/curriculum-k-8/second-grade/
Second grade homework represents an increase in time and responsibility from the homework in first grade. This continues to help them prepare for future schooling, in accordance with BACS policy. We try to provide homework that is appropriate to the children’s developmental state. The homework is designed to provide practice for work that the children do during class time.
In second grade, homework should take no longer than 25 minutes. Homework assignments include daily recitation practice (5 minutes) and reading (10 minutes). In addition, another activity will be assigned by your child’s teacher. Recitations are usually assigned for 2 weeks.
Homework should be handed in when students arrive at school, unless they have a note from a parent. Homework should be done neatly and in pencil. If homework does not meet expectations, students may be asked to redo it.
We strongly encourage you to communicate with your child’s teacher about any homework challenges. We understand that at times family commitments may impact the completion of homework. A note sent in lieu of homework will be an adequate explanation.
Second grade children often need the support of a parent/caregiver in order to effectively complete homework assignments. This may include practicing recitations, reading with your child, and helping your child select appropriate reading material. Homework activities can often give parents a window into some of the concepts we are covering, and how your child is progressing with the skills involved.
Class Parent
In second grade class parents help organize volunteers for field trips, feasts, and provides food for our Christmas and end of year class parties.
2nd Grade Programs and Events
In second grade students learn the lowercase cursive alphabet and the Hebrew alphabet. In the spring students participate in an Ancient Egyptian Celebration that showcases their learning and growth throughout the year. This event takes place on an evening during the week.
Field Trips
- Glencairn Museum
- Churchville Nature Center
- Philadelphia Zoo
Classroom Management
In our classroom there is a combination of whole class and individual behavior incentives. I believe strongly that positive choices should be recognized and that it is important to make students realize that poor decisions are opportunities to learn. The whole class works towards earning beads for our community kindness jar that allows the students to earn a class party. The individual behavior charts allow students to work towards nontangible rewards such as bringing in a stuffed animal for the day, getting to do an extra show and tell, extra time to play outside, and lunch with a teacher.
Goals of the Year
My goals for this school year are to support your child in their growth and confidence as we navigate a new school year. I want to work with you, the parents, as a team through direct and positive communication. My goal will be to remain flexible in my approach to teaching to best support the development of the students in their academic journey. Lastly, my goal is to create a positive learning community for all students where they feel loved, respected, and safe to make mistakes.