“The Lord is our Heavenly Father”
Learning in kindergarten takes place through a wide variety of “hands on” activities. We believe children at kindergarten age learn best through these activities as we guide them toward the beginnings of higher level thinking. Some highlights of the year include our singing The Twelve Days of Christmas at the annual BACS Christmas program, our international feast and our spring music show.
Through worship, we introduce the children to many stories from the Word and help them gain an affection for them. To make the stories from the Word meaningful for the children, we experience them through a variety of approaches, such as: recitations, music, drama and projects. These interactions with the stories and lessons from the Word create the foundation for their ongoing religious education.
Reading/Writing Readiness
The kindergarten we has a rich beginning literacy program that develops a firm foundation for future literacy learning. We begin with basic letter recognition, sounds and formation. We move into many stimulating and interactive literacy activities. Some examples include reading daily to the students and the Wilson Phonics program.
This comes through small motor exercises such as tracing, cutting and the manipulation of small beads, blocks, etc. The children learn to print their names as well as letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case), numerals and simple words.
We enjoy an active, hands-on math program using the Envision math system as a guide. We involve the children in a variety of activities to engage their senses in different ways. We use various manipulatives and games in our curriculum. Also the students physically act out many of the math concepts.
Social Studies and Science
Our social studies and science units are woven seamlessly into the many skill activities that the children engage in on a daily basis. We focus on the world around us and the wonderful things the Lord has provided for us, like the food we eat, people around the world and the four seasons.
Library—led by librarian
Kindergarten students visit the library every week and become familiar with how a library works. Each visit, students will hear a story read aloud featuring a wide range of topics including library operations, family, friendship, nature, humor and school life. Following the story, students will select one book to check out and take back to their classroom. In addition, we will have lessons on digital citizenship with a focus on media balance and well-being, as well as support feeling word lessons from the RULER program. We strive to nurture a love of stories and reading, and to set the foundation for a lifetime connection with books.
Kindergarten does not attend computer lab, but the teachers use smart boards in the classrooms.
We use a variety of projects and activities to lay the ground work for basic art skills and concepts.
The students develop basic music skills, through a daily variety of musical experiences,
Physical Education—specialist teacher
The physical education program provides the students with a standards based program that is developmentally and culturally appropriate and highly active. It fosters a lifelong commitment to a healthy lifestyle. The emphasis in the primary grades is on throwing, catching, eye-hand coordination, cooperation skills, running, skipping and activities that help children develop the ability to cross the midline of their bodies.