8th Grade Girls – Mrs. Conroy
Welcome to the 8th grade girls’ classroom. I hope that you will find the information you seek and will enjoy perusing this page. I have been teaching more than twenty years, more than a dozen in 8th grade at BACS. I enjoy the insights and humor of students this age, as well as the challenge of preparing them for higher education. I feel confident that whatever we tackle this year, “We can do it!” together. – Mrs. Conroy
Classroom Expectations and Management
The 8th grade girls’ classroom is to be a place of safety, respect and growth. Students are expected to treat each other with kindness and encouragement. They must be truthful in word and deed, and should come to school prepared to participate positively. The school’s discipline policy is followed when corrections need to be made.
2023-24 Teachers and Contact Information
Brita Conroy brita.conroy@bacs.org extension 257
Main School number: 215-947-4086
Natalie Lambertus, School Secretary: extension 213
Kirsten Cronlund, Assistant Principal: extension 214
Rev. Jeff Smith, School Pastor: extension 209
Kris Bowyer, Principal’s Secretary: extension 216
Greg Henderson, Principal: extension 267
- Homeroom: Brita Conroy brita.conroy@bacs.org extension 257
- Religion: Jeffrey Smith extension 209 jeffrey.smith@brynathynchurch.org
- Literature, Composition/Grammar, History, Geography: Brita Conroy extension 257 brita.conroy@bacs.org
- Pre-algebra, Spanish: Tony Griffin extension 245 tony.griffin@bacs.org
- SSC Pre-algebra: Lynne Pitcairn extension 253 lynne.pitcairn@bacs.org
- Algebra: Greg Henderson extension 267 greg.henderson@bacs.org
- Science: Kirsten Alden extension 219 kirsten.alden@bacs.org
- Art: Linda Kees extension 231 linda.kees@bacs.org
- Music: Nathan Odhner extension 261 nathan.odhner@bacs.org
- Physical Education: Serena Sutton extension 259 serena.sutton@bacs.org
Church Office
- Main number: 215-947-6225
- Liza Hyatt, Pastors’ Secretary: extension 200
- Rev. Derek Elphick, Pastor: extension 208
- Sue Adams, Business Manager’s Secretary: extension 201
- Stewart Asplundh, Business Manager: extension 210
Mrs. Conroy 8th Grade Girls 2024-2025 Schedule
Homework and Assessments
School Work – In 8th grade, students have a significant amount of time to complete work during the school day. Homework may average one hour per night, but will fluctuate greatly from day to day, depending on how focused students were at school and the nature of assignments. It is good for students to plan ahead as much as possible, working on long-term assignments on days they have a light load. In this way, they will be less burdened with work all at once, such as the night before a test. Time management and organizational skills will become indispensable as they move toward high school. Homework is posted online in Google Classroom.
Tests – Tests and other major assessments are announced at least one week in advance. In the fall and winter, study guides are given with the types of questions that will be asked. They also provide a list of terms and concepts students are expected to know. It is up to the students to gather materials needed and study for several days before the test. In the spring term, students will be building their own study guides. Retesting is not an option.
Projects – From time to time, students are asked to complete a project related to their social studies or language arts courses. These are graded with specific rubrics which are shared with the students before they turn in their assigned work.
Special Programs
Cairnwood Estate In the fall, we take advantage of the resource of the Bryn Athyn Historic District to learn about life at the turn of the 20th century. Cairnwood Estate, owned by John Pitcairn, founder of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co., represents the American Dream experienced by industrialists of the time. By using the story of the family who lived there as an example, we see how greatly life changed for many Americans in the years between 1870 and 1930.
Secret Santa The 8th grade girls like to have a gift exchange before Christmas. We draw names randomly and shop within a reasonable price limit. Students are encouraged to bring homemade gifts which can be inexpensive and have a personal touch.
Glencairn Arts In the winter, we visit the eclectic Glencairn Museum. We are given a tour of architectural elements of the building, representing various styles of design. We also have a lesson in fashion history, focusing on how fashion was shaped across decades by the events and social norms of the 20th century.
8th Grade Play During the winter term, all 8th grade students participate in a drama production for the benefit of the younger grades and the community. All students act and create set and props. Some also contribute to the show by helping with stage crew or tech crews. More detailed 8th Grade Play information will be shared with parents in a November meeting.
Field Day A week before the end of school, the PE teachers host a full BACS field day, which is a favorite activity among the students. Each team includes students of all the grade levels, and the 8th graders take the lead.
Graduation 8th grade graduates wear red caps and gowns for the BACS ceremony. Dress shoes or sandals are expected. Parents and students determine what attire will be worn underneath the robe. Parents may organize celebrations off campus for the afternoon and evening.
Eighth Grade Awards
Before graduation, a dozen or more BACS teachers gather to consider giving these three awards to graduating 8th graders in recognition of excellence. Any awards decided upon are presented one week before the graduation ceremony.
Academic Achievement Award The Academic Achievement Award honors the student who has earned the highest grades in her courses during eighth grade.
Charity Award The Charity Award honors a student who exhibits charity to classmates, other students, and teachers both in and out of class. This student is seen as friendly to all, willing to help without being asked, and willing to support and share in all situations. This student sets an example of standing up for what is right.
Outstanding Student Award The Outstanding Student Award is the highest award a student can receive at the Bryn Athyn Church School. It is based on exceptional performance in a variety of areas, including academic achievement, effort, affirmative attitude, cooperation, cheerfulness, charity toward classmates and teachers, honesty, positive leadership or positive influence on the class, and other such values for which we want students to be striving in a New Church school.
Mrs. Brita Conroy
215-947-4086 ext 257