8th Grade Boys – Mr. Griffin

Welcome to the 8th Grade Boys’ website. I am Tony Griffin, the 8th Grade Boys’ teacher. Here you will find important information relevant to the 8th Grade Boys experience at BACS. Information includes contact information, schedules, overview of the curriculum, homework expectations, as well as additional information. Thanks for stopping by!


Contact Information:

Tony Griffin: 8th Grade Boys’ Teacher – tony.griffin@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 245

Brita Conroy: Composition/Spelling/Grammar –  brita.conroy@bacs.org  – 215-947-4086 extension 257

Jeffrey Smith: Religion – jeffrey.smith@brynathynchurch.org–  215 947 4086 ext. 226 

Linda Kees: Art – linda.kees@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 231

Nathan Odhner: Music – nathan.odhner@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 261

Alex Rogers: PE – alex.rogers@bacs.org – – 215-947-4086 extension 260

Kirsten Alden: Science – kirsten.alden@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 219

Greg Henderson: Principal/Algebra – greg.henderson@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 267

Kirsten Huff: Vice Principal – Kirsten.huff@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 214

Natalie Lambertus: Secretary – Natalie.Lambertus@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 213

Nicole Houck: Counselor – nicole.houck@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 extension 224



Included below is the schedule for the 8th Grade Boys. Throughout the year we do a play, in person field trips, virtual field trips, as well as many other activities. Also throughout the year boys will have scheduled high school visits, explore local history, as well as have in class visitors.

Mr. Griffin 8th Grade Boys Schedule 2024-2025



The 8th grade curriculum is available at  https://brynathynchurchschool.org/programs/curriculum-k-8/eighth-grade/ 



The expectation for homework for an 8th grade boy at BACS is 80 minutes a night. These homework assignments support in-class work that enhance and support what we are doing in the classroom. While that time may be lighter or heavier some nights throughout the week, this is a number students can expect. Homework assignments range from history readings and projects, credit reading, novels, studies in geography, as well as specialist assignments. These are the opportunities at home that help cultivate work ethic, independent learning, and a deeper understanding to the curriculum. It is a goal in 8th grade to expose 8th grade boys to long term projects, to cultivate long term project managements, as well as growing creativity, and refining motor skills. The result and hope is that the boys will develop some grit and resilience.


Student Award Descriptions:

Academic Achievement: This award goes to the student who has earned the highest grades during the 8th grade year.

Charity Award: This award is designed to honor the student who exhibits charity to classmates, other students, and teachers both in and out of class. The student is seen as friendly to all, willing to help without being asked, and willing to support and share in all situations. This student sets an example of standing up for what is right.

Outstanding Student Award: This award is the highest award a student can receive at the Bryn Athyn Church School. It is based on exceptional performance in a variety of areas, including academic achievement, effort, affirmative attitude, cooperation, cheerfulness, charity toward classmates and teachers, honesty, positive leadership or positive influence on the class, and other such values for which we want students to be striving in a New Church school.

The 8th Grade Play

The 8th grade play is a lot of work and a lot of fun! The 8th grade teachers will meet several times during the fall term to review play options, choose a play for the year, and make alterations necessary to fit the year’s class (adjust number of roles for each gender, etc). Just before Thanksgiving, the play will be announced to the class, and there will be a parent meeting to discuss various volunteer opportunities for parents, some large and some small. To make the play a success, we need the participation of all students and at least one parent from each family.

After Thanksgiving break, the students will participate in some warm-up drama games and exercises. This will help them to loosen up and be willing to “put themselves out there” in front of others. We will read through the play, so that everyone gets a sense of what it is about and what parts they might like to try out for. Then there are auditions. Students will be asked to read for several parts, and may be called back to read again before the parts are assigned.

Before Christmas break, parts will be announced. This is always a stressful time, as not everyone will get the part they have their heart set on. Students will be encouraged to accept their part, whatever it is, looking for ways to have fun with it and make it their own. Truly, even a “small” part can be important and has sometimes stolen the show for our young audiences.

In January, we start play practices in earnest. They do not, however, replace regular classes or homework. While scenes are being rehearsed in Heilman Hall, students not in that scene will be making set and props. Near the end of our weeks of rehearsals, students will learn the basics of makeup, lights, sound or stage crew. Rehearsals happen Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, as well as the last hour of school on Fridays.

A detailed schedule will be given to all parents and students at the beginning of the play process. We ask that personal appointments not be made for times when your student is scheduled to rehearse. Believe it or not, each scene only gets one day to block and perhaps two days to rehearse before dress rehearsal. We really need “all hands on deck” or we end up with actors who don’t know what they’re supposed to be doing.

Yes, the play is a major undertaking, and because it is, it brings the class together in ways that are hard to describe. It breaks down boundaries between groups of students, it challenges students to do things which are new to them, it builds up confidence in individuals, and breeds respect and friendship between them. Producing a play is well worth the time and effort we all put into it.


Thank you for taking the time to stop by!
Tony Griffin

