7th Grade Boys – Mr. Hyatt
Welcome to 7th Grade! My name is Drew Hyatt and I’m looking forward to teaching 7B this year. 7B will be utilizing Google Classroom and the homework calendar. Please see the homework calendar linked below.
Contact Information
Home Room Teacher:
Drew Hyatt’s Classroom drew.hyatt@bacs.org : 215-947-4086 x258
Specialist Teachers:
Malcolm Smith (religion) malcolm.smith@brynathynchurch.org : 215-947-4086 x207
Linda Kees (art) linda.kees@bacs.org : 215-947-4086 x231
Nathan Odhner (music) nathan.odhner@bacs.org: 215-947-4086 x261
Alex Rogers (phys. ed.) alex.rogers@bacs.org: 215-947-4086 x260
Kirsten Alden (science) kirsten.alden@bacs.org : 215-947-4086 x219
Tony Griffin (Spanish) tony.griffin@bacs.org: 215-947-4086 x245
7th grade homework should take about 70 minutes on average and is posted on Google Classroom. Checking Classroom daily is part of the homework routine.
Study guides are sometimes provided for tests when applicable in subjects like geography and history. These are checked for accuracy and distributed in advance of test days to allow for enough study time.
The seventh grade curriculum is available at https://brynathynchurchschool.org/programs/curriculum-k-8/seventh-grade/
Note: This calendar only shows work assigned to the entire class by Mr. Hyatt.
Login to Google Classroom to view individual/group assignments and specialist Google Classrooms.