6th Grade – Mrs. Friesen

Welcome to Sixth Grade, I am excited for us to begin our journey together.

It is my privilege to have been a classroom teacher at BACS for 18 years, in addition to being involved with New Church Education as a preschool teacher, tutor and in Student Support. We are here at BACS because we believe in the second coming of the Lord and want our children educated in such a way that spiritual truths are taught through natural truths. Our spiritual lives are the true reality.

With this in mind I strive to provide opportunities to attach knowledges to affections, in order that each student can grow as an individual in love to the Lord, the neighbor, and the wondrous world that is around us waiting to be explored.

I stress kindness and respect in the classroom. Feeling safe and centered is essential to being open to learning. There is no ability to truly love the neighbor or self if you are not showing kindness and respect to one’s self, those around you, and the world at large. Students earn marbles for positive classroom behaviors that result in marble parties: a concrete reward for helping to maintain a sense of order in the classroom.

We are all connected. The interactions we have over the course of the year allow us to build an environment together that is conducive to working hard, playing hard and enjoying and appreciating each moment of the journey.


Contact Information:

Classroom Teacher: Melinda Friesen Melinda.friesen@bacs.org 

Religion:  Rev. Kurt Hy. Asplundh kurt.asplundh@bacs.org

Art:  Linda Kees  linda.kees@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 231

Music:  Nathan Odhner  nathan.odhner@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 261

Science: Kirsten Alden kirsten.alden@bacs.org 215 947 4086 ext. 219

P.E.: Serena Sutton – serena.sutton@bacs.org – 215-947-4086 ext. 259

P.E.: Alex Rogers  alex.rogers@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 260

Counselor: Olivia Brock Olivia.brock@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 224

Enrichment: Jessica Johns Jessica.johns@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 292

Vice Principal: Kirsten Huff Kirsten.huff@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 214

SSC Director: Lisa Synnestvedt lisa.synnestvedt@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 255

School Secretary: Natalie Lambertus Natalie.lambertus@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 213


Mrs. Friesen 6th Grade Schedule 2024-2025



The sixth grade curriculum is available at https://brynathynchurchschool.org/programs/curriculum-k-8/sixth-grade/



6th Grade has an hour of homework each evening. Students are expected to be reading a book of their own choice for a minimum of 15 minutes. In addition, math and literature response work is required each day. A focus of sixth grade is time management and becoming comfortable with overlapping due dates. Week long, daily homework as well as long term projects will all be part of their education in this vital life skill.



Grades are accumulated over the course of the term from daily assignments, tests and also long term projects in order to give the fullest picture of where each student is, in relation to the course material. Tests generally have one week assigned for studying. Map tests, as well as cumulative tests that require both multiple choice, short answer and paragraph responses are administered. Tests may be retaken, but only in order to be assigned a passing grade of 70%.


Class Parents

Class Parents are very much appreciated in Sixth Grade. Most responsibilities involve reaching out to our parent base for chaperones and food for class parties. In the Spring Term during Country Fair preparation the class parent is a vital hub of communication.


Sixth Grade Programs and Events

While there are many fun learning opportunities in 6th Grade, hands down our most anticipated event is the Country Fair that take place Mid-May each Spring. The community is invited to hear from our students about their Independent Country Study.

Sixth grade enjoys a yearlong partnership with first grade. You may even hear people in the community talk about, “Their 6th grader.” Working on phonics and math skills, as well as attending the dress rehearsal for the First Grade play and reading our Just So stories together, are some of the ways we connect throughout the year.

We take a number of field trips over the course of the year. We visit the Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Roman and Greek exhibitions at Glencairn.  Rev. Asplundh directs two visits to the Cathedral to discuss Solomon’s Temple and the Five Churches window. In addition, we generally schedule a trip to the University of Pennsylvania Archeology Museum to see the Mesopotamian and Egyptian collections.  On occasion we have ended the year visiting the Swedenborgiana collection at the Swedenborg Library at Bryn Athyn College.
