6th Grade – Mrs. Daum
Welcome Sixth Graders! I am eager to get to know the unique individual you are and to work with you as your world expands throughout this year. My hope is that you grow in your understanding of the Lord and the spiritual domain as well as in your knowledge about the Lord and our earthly kingdom. Respect and kindness are key ingredients within the classroom
Contact Information
Homeroom Teacher: Sheila Daum Sheila.Daum@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext 233
Religion Teacher: Rev. Kurt Hy. Asplundh kurt.asplundh@bacs.org
Art Teacher: Linda Kees linda.kees@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 231
Music Teacher: Nathan Odhner nathan.odhner@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 261
Science Teacher: Kirsten Alden kirsten.alden@bacs.org 215 947 4086 ext. 219
P.E. Teacher: Serena Sutton serena.sutton@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 259
P.E. Teacher: Alex Rogers alex.rogers@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 260
Enrichment: Jessica Johns Jessica.johns@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 292
School Counselor: Nicole Houck nicole.houck@bacs.org 215-947-4086 ext. 224
Mrs. Daum 6th Grade Schedule 2024-2025
The 6th grade curriculum is available at https://brynathynchurchschool.org/programs/curriculum-k-8/sixth-grade/
Students spend approximately 60-65 minutes on homework, including independent reading for about 15 minutes each night. Students are urged to communicate with me if there is a problem understanding or completing a homework assignment. If your child regularly spends more time than this on homework each night, please contact me. Homework is expected by 8:00 a.m. on the date it is due. If it is not completed/handed in, the student will need to make up the work and likely serve a study hall. If the student contacted me and/or has a legitimate reason for not finishing an assignment, indicated in a note/email from home, a study hall will likely not be given
Tests are usually scheduled about a week in advance with an accompanying study guide. If a student misses a test due to absence I will work with the student to figure out the best time to do the test. In the event that a student earns less than a 70% on a test a letter/email will be sent home to be signed, notifying parents that the student has received a failing grade and what needs to be done to improve the grade. If extra work or a re-test is required, the student may only increase their test grade up to 70%. Please note in the spring term, test grades in the 60’s will stand, but parents will still receive notification.
Homework and test dates are usually posted in my Google Classroom.
Class Parent
The class parent often helps with finding chaperones for field trips, organizing some of the food, and finding some support for the annual Country Fair in the spring.
Field Trips
We typically visit Glencairn two to three times. We often visit the:
- Mesopotamia collection
- Ancient Egypt collection
- Ancient Greek collection
- Ancient Roman collection
- Stained glass collection
We visit the Cathedral twice.
- Comparing the Cathedral to Solomon’s Temple
- View the Five Churches window
We typically go to the University of Pennsylvania’s Museum of Archeology and Anthropology to visit the Egypt and the Mesopotamia exhibits in early December.
We may end the school year with a field trip to the Swedenborg Library to support our study of New Church history.
Classroom Management
I strive to make the classroom a kind, respectful and engaging place for all students to be able to learn. Every day begins with a clean slate, and I believe that everyone will aim to do their best to help maintain order. To this end positive incentives are offered through the “marble” system, honoring the class for on task and particularly kind behaviors. When the jar is full of marbles, the whole class will receive some sort of reward or celebration. If needed, individuals can receive warnings that may lead to a detention.