3rd Grade – Mrs. Brown

Welcome to third grade! Here we will be stretching ourselves, learning new skills, and forming relationships.


Contact Information

Aline Brown (Homeroom Teacher) – aline.brown@bacs.org

Linda Kees (Art) – linda.kees@bacs.org

Alex Rogers and Serena Sutton (gym) – alex.rogers@bacs.org  – serena.sutton@bacs.org 

Nathan Odhner (music) Nathan.odhner@bacs.org

Shannon Good and Kelly Austin (library) Shannon.good@bacs.org Kelly.austin@bacs.org


Weekly Schedule

Mrs. Brown 3rd Grade Schedule 2024-2025



See the third grade curriculum at https://brynathynchurchschool.org/programs/curriculum-k-8/third-grade/ 


Homework for third grade should take no more than 35 minutes on weeknights, broken down as follows:

10 minutes activity (spelling or reading)

15 minutes reading

5 minutes journal

5 minutes recitation


Third Grade Programs and Events

Programs and event in third grade, give them a change to showcase their deep learning about a topic, and often families are invited to experience them as well. These include Hero Day (winter term), Mythology Plays (spring term) and Dinosaur Museum (spring term)

In addition, the third grade participates in a Grandparent Friend program. Each third grade writes letters to a grandparent-aged person in the community. We then invite these Friends to the classroom for events. This program allows the students to practice letter writing, polite conversation, and building relationships.


Curricular Links

First Commandment in Hebrew (document) 

First Commandment in Hebrew (youtube video) 

Journal Prompt Generator

NASA for students

ISS Tracker

Hero Biographies

Moon phase website 

