The Fourth Grade Goes on a Pilgrimage
Fourth grade sized knights, jesters, peasants, nobles and other medieval folk could been seen leaving our school grounds Wednesday afternoon as they began their religious pilgrimage to the Bryn Athyn Cathedral. This afternoon trip was the culminating activity for the fourth grade’s medieval unit. In the unit the class studied the people, culture and architecture of the middle ages. On the final day, they took on the persona of a medieval figure, complete with costume, and went on a religious pilgrimage. This journey, which included an attack from a robber and help from a Good Samaritan, concluded when they were greeted by a medieval nun at the cathedral. Once at the cathedral the students were able to learn about the construction of the building and study firsthand its stone, glass, wood and ironwork. It’s not every elementary school that can walk to a Romanesque or Gothic cathedral to cap off their social studies unit. This is just another example of how lucky we are here in Bryn Athyn.