Technology Aiding BACS Instruction
In 1801 a geography teacher in Edinburgh revolutionized teaching when he hung a large piece of slate on his classroom wall. In the two hundred and some years which have followed a stream of subsequent changes have taken place, as filmstrips, overheads, whiteboards, computers, tablets, digital projectors, Smartboards, document cameras, student response systems and many other inventions have come into the classroom. As technology continues to advance we are constantly finding new ways to use it to enhance student learning. While there are significant portions of our curriculum which are purposefully delivered without technology, it is important that we take advantage of the new methods available to teachers where appropriate. This past week eleven teachers attended the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference. Members of our faculty attend this conference each year and find it both educational and inspiring. They come back with new ideas to try and to share with their colleagues, all aimed at engaging the students. Conferences like this, along with recent generous technology grants from foundations, give our school the means to better educate our students and to prepare them for the world in which they are living.