School Opening

The 2017-18 school year is quickly approaching. Name tags are on the lockers and the classrooms are set, awaiting the return of the students.  It will be exciting to see life fill the hallways again in a few short days. The following list reviews some important information regarding school opening. If you still have any questions, please let us know.

·         Students should arrive on Tuesday, August 29th between 8:30 and 8:45 am.   Kindergarten students should go directly to the Society Building gyms where they will sit with their parents during school opening.  All other students should report to their new classrooms.

·         All students are required to wear Formal Event Wear as described in the Parent Handbook

·         The school opening service will begin at 9:00 am.

·         Kindergarten students will sit with their parents for the service in the first five rows.  After the other students have recessed the parents can escort them to their Kindergarten classrooms.

·         All parents are invited to stay after the service for coffee in Heilman Hall.

·         Students should bring a snack, as they would for a normal school day.

·         All classes are dismissed at 12:15 on Tuesday, August 29th. Wednesday, August 30th will be our first full day of classes.

·         There will be no school bus services available on Tuesday, August 29th. Buses will run their regular schedules beginning on Wednesday, August 30th.

·         Crossing guards will be on duty starting at 8:15 am and at 12:15pm on August 29th.  They will be on duty at their normal hours on Wednesday, August 30th.

See you then,
Greg Henderson
