Kidstuff Coupon Books

kidstuff2Our school is selling valuable, family-friendly KidStuff Coupon Books filled with hundreds of national, regional and local coupons for all ages! The KidStuff Book is conveniently organized, offers incredible savings and is sold exclusively through schools! Our school earns 50% or more profit for every book we sell!  Use just a few coupons and save more than the $25 cost of the book…Remember to keep the book in your car!  You will enjoy fabulous savings from: Dicks, Stride Rite, Weis Market, and plus many more!  POST and TWEET! Family, friends and co-workers will love saving with KidStuff…The books are great for gifts too! Check out all 26 valuable editions listed on the first page of your KidStuff book or visit . Sale ends December 15th!  Books will be sold at the Pastor’s Office or the School Office. Please make checks payable to “Bryn Athyn Church School”.  If you have any questions, please contact Diana Mergen at
