It’s Field Trip Month at BACS

May seems to be the unofficial month of field trips. Our classes went on three this past week. The fifth grade went the Peter Wentz Farmstead, touring the colonial farm and house; the fourth grade visited the Morris Arboretum as part of their science unit on trees; and the seventh graders traveled to Gettysburg to walk through the historic battle field. Next week the third grade will be at the Elmwood Zoo and the first grade will go to Briarbush Nature Center. Field trips provide students with a type of experience which cannot be replicated in the classroom no matter what media is used. Seeing, hearing, smelling and perhaps touching the animal they have been studying makes a significantly deeper impact on learners that just reading about it or even watching a video. Similarly, standing on the spot where history happened can increase a student’s connection to the event in an immeasurable way. Our field trips are funded by donations to the Education Enhancement Fund or through fundraisers like the Seventh Grade Carnival. Thank you for providing these lifelong memories for our students through your donations.

Greg Henderson
