Chapel as Presented by the Seventh Grade

Rev Eric Carswell and his 7th grade religion students put chapel on for the school last Friday. Students acted out scenes from the story of Jonah while their classmates narrated from The Word and Mr. Carswell explained its application to our lives. Having students act out the stories of The Word with costumes and props, which in this case included a large boat and a giant fish, adds to the chapel experience. It is easy to think that chapels such as these will be the ones that students, on either side of the curtain, will remember for years to come. We learned recently that this will be Eric Carswell’s last year working with us. His positive impact on the school goes well beyond his work with the seventh grade religion classes. He has provided strong leadership and nurtured a close working relationship between the church office and the school. He will be missed at BACS for sure.

Greg Henderson
