Celebrating Reading
This week Mrs. Neiger and Mrs. Austin hosted their annual reading celebration in the library. This is an opportunity to celebrate the reading that the students do over the summer. Rather than assigning specific books to be read over the summer vacation, BACS, through this library program, encourages students to get into the habit of reading. We hope that they can spend some of their vacation falling in love with books that they enjoy. The Summer Reading Program promotes reading through incentives rather than requirements. Students who participate attend the celebration in the library and chose from an assortment of snack options. Students who reach their grade level’s goal also earn a small prize and a certificate for a free book at the upcoming Scholastic Book Fair (read the ad on page 1). The Book Fair, which is another way in which our library promotes reading, runs from Monday, November 2, to Wednesday, November 4. Students, parents, friends and community members are invited to come browse and shop from the wide selection of books. The fair not only creates a space for us to promote reading, but BACS also earns a percentage from all the sales, so we hope to see many of you there. This year 155 students participated in the Summer Reading Program. This is more than Mrs. Nieger has ever had in her tenure. It is great to see that with all the other options children seem to have these days, so many are still finding joy in a good book.
Greg Henderson