8th Grade Award Winners

Congratulations to the Winners of  This Year’s Eighth Grade Awards


Academic Excellence Award

This award goes to the girl and boy who have earned the highest grades during the 8th grade year.

COOPER_ANJI_8The girls’ academic award goes to a student who regularly goes the extra mile in her schoolwork. She is extremely well organized, and manages her time well, often working ahead of schedule. She cares deeply about the quality of her work, and puts in extra hours to make sure it is done to the best of her ability. She encourages others to do their best as well. Our academic award winner loves learning, and that is a quality we are excited to recognize in Anji Cooper.

CASTO_NIKOS_8The boys’ Overall Academic Achievement Award goes to a young man who arguably is already academically performing at the collegiate level, which is rare for an 8th grader to attain. His written returns are highly insightful, academically deep, and grammatically perfect.  I greatly look forward to his responses on homework and tests and regularly correct my answer keys based on his answers.  This year’s award is earned by Nikos Casto.




The Charity Award

The Charity Award is designed to honor the student who exhibits charity to classmates, other students, and teachers both in and out of class.  The student is seen as friendly to all, willing to help without being asked, and willing to support and share in all situations.  This student sets an example of standing up for what is right.

KING_HANNAH_8Kindness is often underrated and overlooked, but kindness does small acts of charity every day. Kindness notices where there are needs and offers to help before being asked. It puts an arm around someone who is sad. It carries the load for someone who can’t do it alone. Its words are careful not to hurt others. Kindness says “thank you” sincerely and often. The kindness of this year’s charity award winner is recognized and admired by her classmates, winning her respect and devotion. The girls’ charity award winner is Hannah King.

ROGERS_DARA_8This year, we have a second award winner. She is nearly always positive, taking on difficult academic, social and athletic challenges with good humor. Even her occasional expressions of frustration are delivered with a smile. She is often first and loudest to volunteer when help is needed, and she is friendly to young and old alike. Our second charity award winner is Dara Rogers.




Outstanding Student Award

The Outstanding Student Award is the highest award a student can receive at the Bryn Athyn Church School.  It is based on exceptional performance in a variety of areas, including academic achievement, effort, affirmative attitude, cooperation, cheerfulness, charity toward classmates and teachers, honesty, positive leadership or positive influence on the class, and other such values for which we want students to be striving in a New Church school.

O'HAGAN_CAROLINE_8This year’s winner for the girls’ class works hard and achieves high academic success. She encourages a positive, cooperative and friendly environment in the classroom, and delights those around her with her sense of humor. She truly is an outstanding student, and we at BACS will be sorry to see her leave us. Congratulations to Caroline O’Hagan.


LAMBERTUS_ZACHARY_8The boy’s Outstanding Student Award goes to a young man who exudes alacrity, extreme spunk, and enthusiasm. He loves to learn, desires to constantly do his best, and is always there for his classmates and school.  He is the first to volunteer and the first to help.  Please congratulate this truly outstanding student: Zach Lambertus.

