BACS Picnic

Hundreds of students, parents and friends spent a clear, crisp autumn evening on our athletic fields at last Friday’s picnic. There were games of soccer, football, Wiffleball, volleyball and Frisbee. There were kids getting their faces painted and kids doing crafts with Aunt Deev and her volunteers. And all around there were blankets filled with families and friends enjoying themselves. The picnic is one of the few times a year where families can gather and just relax with each other. There was no performance to watch, no program to follow, just families visiting and kids playing. One of our new parents spoke earlier this year about how much he appreciated sending his child to a school where he feels that the parents share similar values to his. I was reminded of this as I watched all the students running together on Friday night while their parents casually watched from their blankets. We often speak of our school community, last Friday night we saw a clear picture of what that looks like. Thank you to all the volunteers, especially Rachel Adams, who helped make the picnic so successful.

Greg Henderson

