BACS Christmas Program
Friday, December 20th at 10:15am
Procession beginning at 10:20 am.
We have a sleigh-full of musical treats and parents, grandparents, relatives and friends are warmly invited to join us.
Please be seated by 10:15 am as the entrance will be blocked after that time and guests will not be able to enter the gym. The lights will be dimmed for the special procession of 3rd graders singing, “How Far is it to Bethlehem?” and carrying their handcrafted lamps. We would like to preserve this special sphere. Those arriving after 10:15 am will be asked to wait in the lobby until the lights come on again.
The Christmas Program will be streamed into Heilman Hall for parents of young children who need to move around.
Watch online at or use the player below.
The Broadcast Is Unavailable
Christmas Program Order: