Centennial Day a Success!
Two second graders told me how lucky they were to be students here for Centennial Day because it only happens every hundred years! Centennial Day celebration is something we have never done before and won’t do again for a hundred years and the children were excited by the concept. The students were divided into groups – an older grade matched with a younger grade to participate in activities that brought the day alive for them. The activities included Story Telling, Music, Games, and a Photo Booth area.
After lunch, students gathered with flags that were delivered to the classrooms and walked the historic areas and stood for some group photos. On their return to the current school building, the students posed in front of deCharms Hall recreating an old photograph of the Elementary School students of Bryn Athyn taken 100 years ago. They moved to the campus behind the Academy buildings to ceremoniously plant a tree replacing the “Old Cherry Tree” that used to be on the property a hundred years ago. The ANC students came out to participate in the tree planting which added to the festivities. The celebration wrapped up with a short slide show from the Photo Booth activity of the morning. The students enjoyed the activities, and I am sure it will be a memory that the students will carry with them and share with generations to come. Greg Henderson, Principal |