Welcome from the Principal

On behalf of our faculty and staff, I welcome you to the Bryn Athyn Church School, a caring, religious school serving students from PreK to 8th Grade.  BACS has been educating students based on the teachings of the New Church for more than 100 years.  Through these many years class after class of students has benefitted from the caring support of our faculty, staff, parents and community.  A student at the Bryn Athyn Church School is given opportunities to grow and excel in many ways.

Through their guidance, instruction and the tone that they set in their classrooms our caring teachers work to educate our students academically, morally and spiritually, leading them to become useful citizens in this world and ultimately in heaven.   By integrating religious ideas and perspectives throughout our curriculum, students learn about their world, the people around them and the purpose for both.  These ideas build firm foundations for their future academic and professional careers, as well as their relationship with others and the Lord.  Through projects, performances, activities and discussions, our teachers are constantly striving to instruct in ways that can come alive for the students.  By engaging the students’ hearts as well as their minds the education the students receive remains with them long after they have left our halls.

The Bryn Athyn Church School is a special community where it is not uncommon to see the oldest students interacting with the youngest and where the friendships created can last a lifetime.  It has been a special place for me personally.  I was a student here myself, returned as a teacher and it is an honor to now lead the school as principal.  I am proud of the important work we do here at BACS and look forward to seeing the school continuing to serve our families in the future.

Kiri Rogers
