Easter Amidst the Closure

BACS took Friday and Monday as scheduled holidays for an Easter break. Teachers, students and their parents are working hard to make distance learning work. While much about this Easter must have felt different, our hope was that a respite from schoolwork would help our families find ways to make the holiday feel special. As most of you are aware, last Thursday Governor Wolf declared that all Pennsylvania schools must stay closed for the remainder of the academic year. This was hard news for us to hear. While we knew it was a likely decision to be made, we had also been holding on to a hope that we could have closure with our students at the end of the year. As work through our online platforms continues it is the loss of the in person connections with our students that the faculty is feeling the most. We sent a video to the students to let them know how much we are missing them last week. We hope it helped brighten their day.

Greg Henderson
