Our Halls

Walking through our hallways gives you a wonderful view of what our students are studying at any given time.  Currently you can see projects about birds, magnets, Berber rugs, nomads and the Inuit people. There are also maps of imaginary lands, polar regions and taste receptors, as well as New Church biographies, models of ancient Israelite houses, and a survey of tastes. There are pictures of Elijah on the fiery chariot, and of Rachel at the well. Several classes are displaying projects from Martin Luther King Day which depict variety, unity, peace and love. And then there are the displays from our art classes which include children catching snowflakes on their tongues, crazy hair days and reflective skylines, all of which beam with color. It is amazing how much one can see just strolling past the classrooms. It makes you marvel at how much more is being taught within those classrooms. Let me know if you want to come for a visit, either to walk our halls or to learn more about what we are doing here. Or, if you know someone who may be interested in having their children attend our school next year, tell them about our upcoming Open House on February 15th.

Greg Henderson
