Eighth Grade Boys Present at Cairnwood Village

8b-cv-2016I had the pleasure of accompanying the 8th grade boys when they visited Cairnwood Village on Wednesday morning. Dr. Feerrar brought the boys there to make a presentation to the residents and others as part of the class’s World War One unit. The boys read letters from two members of the Bryn Athyn community written during the war. Some letters were from Helen Colley who sang for the troops, sometimes in the trenches themselves. The other letters were from Albert Cleare who was a decorated fighter pilot in the RAF. Studying the war through the letters of local participants goes a long way to taking the boys out of their own experience and seeing things through someone else’s lens. The boys should be commended on their presentations and also on the way they served as hosts to the audience members. I saw boys greeting their guests at the door, helping them to their seats, and serving food and coffee. This too served as an opportunity for the boys to think about others. I was glad the boys were given this experience and proud of the way they represented our school.

Greg Henderson
