What Christmas Is All About
If someone asked you to show them what Christmas was all about, how would you respond? I would suggest that, given the opportunity, you might want to lead them into the front hallway of the Bryn Athyn Church School. Before them they would see a lovely wooden diorama. Each morning the primary teachers lift off a blue velvet cloth to reveal another scene of the nativity story. The students reverently discuss the scene before them each day as part of their morning worship. Then after admiring the diorama, you could point your visitor to their right where they could see a growing collection of toys, stuffed animals, games, and books. All of these have been brought in by students and community members for the USMC’s Toys for Tots program. Right here, in this one spot, your visitor could both witness the wonder and innocence of children learning about the Lord’s birth and see the spirit of giving in action. I think that spot would answer their question pretty well.
~ Greg Henderson, Principal