Faculty Study

This past week the Bryn Athyn Church School had an in-service day so that we could hold our annual Faculty Study. This is a time for our school pastor, Phil Schnarr, to lead us in a religious study. This year’s topic was Purposeful Thinking. We began the morning with a presentation by Rev. Stephen Cole from Bryn Athyn College. He spoke of the desire, especially in children, to place purpose onto all of creation and related it to the key teaching of end, cause and effect. Phil then led us through discussions on how an understanding of these ideas could better help us teach our students both generally and also specifically about the Ten Commandments. These in-service meetings are a chance for the faculty to step back from the day-to-day concerns of the classroom and think about the foundational pieces of New Church education. It was inspiring to hear so many caring and wise statements shared by our teachers as they discussed ways to educate our students according to the doctrines of our church.

Greg Henderson
