“Thank You” Posters Go Viral

Earlier in the year, the eighth grade girls had a class meeting about how we can show our appreciation for those who often go unrecognized, and they came up with some ideas. It was suggested that they might make some posters to put around the school to thank the ANAGO workers who do a faithful job of keeping our school nice and clean. The girls dove into the project wholeheartedly and festooned the walls around the school with fun, colorful posters expressing their thanks for all that ANAGO does.

The ANAGO crew were really touched by these signs and took pictures to share with the ANAGO organization. In a conversation with Reid Prichett, James mentioned that the photos have gone VIRAL! There has been an outpouring of appreciation for ANAGO employees nationwide! Both James and Billy were deeply touched by these signs.

The delightful gesture of our students has touched hearts far beyond the walls of our school! Enjoy the posters below.

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