Presentation for Parents

Last Tuesday evening BACS hosted a presentation to parents given by Kiri Rogers on the topic of anxiety in young people. She offered parents a better understanding of anxiety as well as strategies for helping young people who are experiencing it. Anxiety is a topic the school has addressed as a faculty and with groups of our students. It was nice to be able to have this program for our parents as well.

Easter Worship Service

The elementary school will be having our annual Easter worship service at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral this coming Thursday. The school will be arriving at the church at 1:15 and the service will begin at 1:30. You are welcome to join us at the Cathedral prior to 1:15, watch the service online at , or wave to us as we walk from the school.

Staffing for Fourth Grade

With Carla Reuter moving to 7th grade next year we are now seeking applicants to teach in our fourth grade. Those interested in applying can find information at


Greg Henderson
