Parent Nights and BACS Picnic

Parent Nights at BACS

Thursday, Sept 5 was the first of three Parent Nights we will have at the school this month, one for each unit. These meetings are a chance for the parents to visit their children’s classrooms, sit in their desks, and hear about the upcoming year from the teacher. The students are best served when the school and home are working together. These meetings are an important forum for both the parents and the teachers as it begins a year of conversations. The relationships the school has with our families are a strength of our school and we are enjoying forging new ones this fall.


BACS Picnic

The Bryn Athyn Church School will be having their annual picnic on Friday, September 27th from 5:00-7:30pm at the BACS athletic fields. Bring your own picnic dinner to enjoy or purchase a hot dog at our stand. Then stay for a chance to connect with old friends, meet new friends, and welcome new families to our school. We look forward to seeing you at this relaxed, fun-filled evening. All are welcome.


Greg Henderson
