Hundredth Day of School

About two weeks ago BACS had our 90th day of school which marked the midpoint of the year, and two weeks from now we will reach the end of our second marking period. It was on last Monday though that we hit another turning point in an elementary school calendar, the 100th day of the year. This is a fun milestone, especially for the younger grades. They have been learning number sense by counting the days of the year, and, as you can imagine, the first day in which a number gets to be written in that third column on the board is something to celebrate. While this year’s hundredth day was in direct competition with Valentine’s Day, there was still time for fun activities centered around the number 100. Milestones can be useful to help mark the passage of time. Perhaps this is especially true in recent years when time can seem to have had a different feel.

Greg Henderson
