Desert Animal Presentations Amid Christmas Preparations

Things at BACS continue to move towards our celebration of Christmas. The first grade recently visited Glencairn for a Christmas tour, the seventh grade girls’ gingerbread house raffle is selling tickets, our Toys for Tots collection is growing, and a constant stream of carol rehearsals is coming from the music room. In the midst of all of this, students are also working hard on their academics. On Thursday afternoon the fourth grade hosted their desert animal presentations. Family members and other guests visited the classrooms where students impressed us with their knowledge of the desert animal that each had researched. They showed us models of the animals, dioramas of the habitats, notebooks they had written and they shared interesting facts that they had learned. Whenever I attend events like this I am always impressed with how engaged the students are in their particular research topic, and I can’t help but think that they will have a special connection with that desert animal, rain forest species, hero, state or country for years to come. I also always leave having learned something I didn’t already know.

Greg Henderson
