Departing Staff Member

Carol Nash has let administration know that this will be her last year teaching at BACS. Carol came to BACS in the fall of 1994 to serve as an aide in the upper unit. After two years in that role she became the 7th grade girls teacher, a position she has held for 23 years. Carol quickly became an expert on the state of the 7th grade girl and has worked hard to create a sphere in her classroom that would serve her students both in their current state and on their life’s eternal journey.  Carol has cherished the opportunities she has had to build relationships with her students over the years and one only needs to peek at the notes which hundreds of girls have left on her closet wall to see how much she has impacted the young women she has taught. Carol’s love of teaching and New Church Education will certainly be missed but we will wish her all the best in retirement.

Greg Henderson
