BACS Class Trips

As we move deeper into spring and the weather theoretically improves, more and more grades are leaving campus to go on field trips. The second grade recently took their annual trip to the Philadelphia Zoo, the 4th grade went on a medieval pilgrimage to the cathedral, and the 3rd and 8th grades visited Glencairn. In the next couple weeks classes will be going to The Briarbush Nature Center, The Peter Wentz Farmstead, The Elmwood Zoo, The Philadelphia Rock Gym, and Gettysburg Battlefield. These trips bring units of study alive for the students in ways that nothing within the classroom can. The opportunities for students to look the animal they are studying in the eye, to wear colonial settlers’ clothes while standing in their house, or to run across the fields of Pickett’s Charge cannot be replicated by a book, a lecture or even a PowerPoint presentation. These trips are made possible through the donations we receive to the Educational Enhancement Fund. Last year the EEF was underfunded. We hope that we can meet our goal this year so that these trips and others throughout the year can continue. If you have any questions about how to support this fund, you can contact Diana Mergen at

Greg Henderson
